When your dreams come true

Three years ago my heart shattered and as the pieces bounced off the floor I heard something in their echoes, “walk toward kindness.” I set off more determined than ever to find my true partner in this life, to build a home full of kindness. As I struggled for something more kind, more peaceful than my present I ran into many sharp words and cruel situations. But I didn’t stop moving. I wrapped my wounds and I celebrated my journey.

The years twisted and tumbled me and it wasn’t all lollipops and stickers but it was something better. I started taking note, you wanted a kind and tender wife, you wanted a family. You wanted to be a writer. You are published, my friend. These things are all yours. Three years ago, I had none of this. I only had this hunger to make my dreams come true. A desire to finish the unfinished, like my degree. And here I am. Moving at an accelerated speed toward When Your Dreams Come True.

And while sunshine doesn’t follow me around and birds aren’t always singing outside my window, I recognize that I’m blessed and life is good.

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